As a client of a private home care service or family member supporting their relative who accesses in-home care, building a strong relationship with your carers can have a significant impact on your overall experience and outcome of the care provided. A good relationship with your carer can lead to improved communication, more personalised care, and a greater sense of trust and comfort.

However, what can you do to foster a strong relationship with your carer? In this blog, we will explore some tips and strategies for patients and families to develop and maintain strong connections with their qualified carers, for a better care experience.

Tips For Building Strong Relationships

Receiving great care requires developing trusting connections with the service provider who sources carers for you and builds a positive relationship with those carers. Selecting the right carer from the beginning is important. Carers do not have to be a client’s best friend to be a good, trusted carer, as long as they are professional, responsible and the client trusts the carer to do their best for them when providing the care services they need. Most importantly, it also allows you to remain in your own home. Following are some recommendations for clients and their  families to help develop trusting relationships with their caregivers:

1). Open And Honest Communication

One of the most important aspects of building a strong relationship with a carer is open and honest communication. This includes being upfront about your needs, concerns, and expectations, and being willing to listen to the carer’s perspective. All carers are taught that listening to their client and their family is the best way to understand the client’s needs.

The carer is also taught to summarise back to the client what they understood the client was saying to them, this allows the client the opportunity to ensure that their needs have been heard by the carer or re-emphasise a point that the carer might not have understood as well as the client would like.  Clear, direct and open communication definitely helps to overcome potential misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to providing care that meets the client’s needs. 

2). Provide Feedback And Express Concerns Constructively

It’s important to provide feedback and voice problems in a positive way. Try to convey your concerns in a way that is respectful and understanding rather than being critical or accusatory. This can encourage honest and open dialogue and trust-building.

3). Building Trust Through Consistency And Reliability

Trust is a key component of any strong relationship, and the same holds true for relationships with carers. Good carers who are consistent and reliable in their actions and communication will build trust with the clients and their families. This means you will feel comfortable and at ease when the carer is providing care for you.

4). Carers Using Active Listening And Empathy

Building meaningful relationships with caregivers also requires them to use  active listening and empathy when communicating. This calls for being totally present during the discussion and actively attempting to comprehend the client’s or family’s point of view. Caregivers who are compassionate and understanding can promote trust and a feeling of security.

Remember that building strong relationships with carers takes time and effort. By understanding  how good communication facilitates great care for clients and their families, they can also take an active role in developing and maintaining strong connections with their carers, leading to a better care experience.

Strong Relationships With A Qualified Carer

Strategies For Maintaining Strong Relationships

To ensure that the client and/or family member continues to receive the finest care possible, continual check in’s by the In-Home Care Organisation is imperative. Carers should be regularly updating the In-Home Care provider on the well-being of the client, which includes any change in health or circumstances, concerns regarding any aspect of the client’s daily life, if they are less mobile at home, less stable or unsure when mobilising, not eating as well, not going out.

These are some of the triggers that would require the In-Home Care organisation to review or assess the client or potentially organise a GP review if this was considered necessary. It is not just about the negative things, positive areas of care, when a client enjoys a specific meal, a day out, a show or movie etc. This all builds a comprehensive picture of the client and how they are managing their day-to-day life and maintaining their ability to remain at home safely and securely. 

Here are some methods for preserving solid connections with caregivers:

1). Regular Check-Ins And Updates

The channels of communication between patients and caregivers can be kept open by  regular check-ins and updates through the client’s Care Manager. This can be done through planned meetings, phone calls, or even just a brief email or text message check-in.

2). Clear And Open Communication

Maintaining great connections with caregivers requires open and honest communication. This calls for being open and honest about your wants, needs, and expectations as well as being receptive to the caregiver’s viewpoint.

3). Mutual Respect and Understanding

Maintaining strong relationships with carers requires mutual respect and understanding. Carers should respect patients’ autonomy and privacy, while clients and families should respect carers’ expertise and professionalism.

4). Flexibility And Adaptability

Flexibility and adaptability are important qualities for maintaining strong relationships with carers. As care needs and circumstances can change, it’s important for both clients and carers to be willing to adapt and adjust to meet new needs.

5). Show Appreciation

Show appreciation for the work and effort put in by the carers, a simple “thank you” at the end of a care shift or day will make a huge difference to a carer. 

By employing these methods, clients and their families can actively contribute to the upkeep of solid bonds with their caregivers, improving care and results.

Final Thoughts

Building and maintaining strong relationships with carers is an essential aspect of receiving the best possible care. Open and honest communication, providing feedback and expressing concerns constructively, building trust through consistency and reliability, and more are key elements in building and maintaining strong relationships with carers. 

These relationships can lead to better communication, more personalised care, and a greater sense of trust and comfort. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog, clients and families can take an active role in contributing to and maintaining strong connections with their carers. 

Call Luxe Care today at 1300 848 365 or leave an enquiry to hire the highest quality personalised private care!

